Facebook Privacy Settings

Like pretty much every college aged student, I have a Facebook.  I love the way it allows me to connect with friends and family all over the world.  However, I think that the Facebook privacy settings are not as good as the could be.  Overall I think that the settings themselves are good, they are just too difficult to find.  I like the setting that lets me approve every photo I am tagged in before it is published on my page and visible to my friends.  I also like the setting that sends me a notification every time my account is accessed from a new area.  I tried to make my profile private and set up all the privacy settings possible, and it ended up taking me a long time to find them all.  I don’t like how it makes you go to different areas to add privacy settings, instead of having all the privacy settings in one area.  The best example of this is photo privacy.  You have to go to every album to set it as private instead of just clicking a button in the privacy settings tab. I know a lot of friends who think that their page is private, when people can see all their information as well as pictures.  I think that they should make the settings easier to enable, to help create a more secure environment for their users.

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